Still, in some situations, it might be prudent to verify that data received from a server matches expectations, perhaps with a regular expression, before passing it to the eval statement. 但有时候,把从服务器收到的数据传递给eval语句之前,检查其是否符合预期目标可能更谨慎一些,比如使用正则表达式。
Another, more compact way to represent the same expression is to use an assignment statement similar to this 另一种更紧凑的表达方式是使用下面这样的赋值语句
If this parser is passed the expression "42+ 1", the statement integer= 42 is printed to the console, followed by integer= 1. 如果将表达式“42+1”传递给该解析器,则语句integer=42将被打印到控制台,后跟integer=1。
The expression used in the if statement ( and in the elif clause and the while loop discussed later in this article) can be as complex as necessary. if语句(以及本文后面讨论的elif子句和while循环)中的表达式可以很复杂。
In Blue, a condition is an expression instead of a statement. 在Blue中,条件这种表达式取代了语句。
To achieve this, the XMLQUERY function allows you to embed any XQuery expression in an SQL statement. 为了实现这个目标,XMLQUERY函数允许在SQL语句中嵌入XQuery表达式。
Most of the examples in this article show the transform expression in an SQL UPDATE statement. 本文中的大多数示例在SQLUPDATE语句中使用转换表达式。
You can only take the address of unfixed expression inside of a fixed statement initializer 只能获取固定语句初始值设定项内的未固定表达式的地址
However, not every expression is a statement. 尽管如此,不是每个表达式都是一个语句。
An expression whose value is passed to the dynamic SQL statement, or a variable that stores a value returned by the dynamic SQL statement. 体现其价值是通过的动态SQL语句或存储一个变量的值传回的动态SQL语句。
An expression of protest, complaint, or reproof, especially a formal statement of grievances. 抗议,抱怨或者责备的表达,特别是抱怨的正式陈述。
Evaluation of expression or statement stopped. 表达式或语句的计算已停止。
If this were all, we should have only a formal expression of the divine nature which would not really go beyond a statement of the nature of the notion itself. 如果上帝的性质就像这里所说的这样,则我们对上帝只算得到一形式的界说,这界说实际上只包含概念本身的性质。
The controlling expression of a for statement shall not contain any objects of floating type; 语句的控制表达式不可以包含浮点类型的对象。
Compared with contemporary occidental knowledge idea, the meaning expression in Chinese classic literature theory is a non-logic statement. 比照现代西学的知识观念,中国传统文论的意义表达是一种非逻辑陈述。
In his rare papers and some early editions of his works, there were clear expression of his faith, his religious experiences, and his statement of sin, all those confirmed his Christian faith. 从陈垣的散佚文章和著作的部分早期版本,可以看到他对基督教信仰的表达、他的宗教经验及有关于罪的信仰告白等,这些也进一步印证了他的基督教信仰。
This article goes through a thorough Comparsion with Programming Language C and Basic in five aspects: data type, operator, expression, program structure and statement. 本文就C语言与BASIC语言在数据类型、运算符、表达式、程序结构、语句五个方面进行一些主要的比较.指出C具有更丰富的数据类型、运算符、表达式,具有更强的功能;
This algorithm can be converted to the corresponding path expression to the SQL statement. 该算法可将路径表达式转换为对应的SQL语句来处理。
Romantic artistic expression is reflected in a statement, said Xu poetic prose, and prose structure, the freedom narrative, poetry, prose speech is reflected in language, emotion and musical prose structure, narrative-a free style reflects a free spirit. 浪漫主义艺术表现,体现在徐志摩散文的诗意言说,和散文结构、叙述的自由性,诗意言说表现于散文语言的感性和音乐性,散文结构、叙述&这种自由文体体现出一种自由精神。
Concept maps is a graphic expression of definitions and interlaced relations among a series of concepts within a statement network. 概念图是一种能形象表达命题网络中一系列概念含义及其关系的图解。
The new urban women, the thesis of Shanghai Baby, for example, to find its expression in the personal, consumer culture and the grand narrative of the suture between the ambiguous strategy, explain the context of the 1990s, deformation of the grand statement. 对都市新女性而言,论文以《上海宝贝》为例,寻找其在个人化表述、消费文化与宏大叙事间暧昧的缝合策略,阐释1990年代语境变形的宏大表述。